Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

The Seasons

The Seasons
I was thinking back, almost four years ago, when I met the majority of you. I went to several of your pages looking at photographs from those days, or all I could find, and it made me a little melancholy.

I have not fallen out of favor with anyone, well...except one, but he wrote me one day to ask how I was, which was so good of him. I saw in that moment; it was he who was the bigger person. I cannot help but to wonder, had he not wrote me, would I have written him? It made me take a long look at myself, and realize, harboring any ill feelings towards another hurts us more than the person we are angry at. 

Many have separated and never reconnected again. And some for good reason. One cannot intrude into the life of another and reap the rewards, without giving something back in it's place. One must replenish the void they leave behind, for without refilling the kindnesses, the friendship will soon be an empty relationship between the two individuals. 

People are often forced upon one another, in regard to friends of friends. Sometimes, good things occur and healthy relationships are formed. But then, some are look upon as being formidable. Could the fear of losing a friend to another friend be seen as a threat to a friendship that has been engaged for years? I think so. Could it happen? I believe so. 

I believe so, so much, because I have seen it happen. Sometimes, the fear is not within ourselves, but for our friend. When one sees the drastic changes and the influences of another being so profound, it is like watching someone you love in the middle of a lake drowning and you, yourself, not being able to swim to save him. We can only stand at the water's edge and watch him sink. 

But then, I have seen the strong and brave, jump in and swim against the current to pull his friend to safety. They are determined to keep vigil over their friend and to take on the forces at hand. They want to spare them of any harm to their reputation. These are the friends that remain, those willing to pick up the pieces once the drama has settled. These are the characteristics of a true friend. Those who are there through the best and the worst of times. Somehow, knowing the worst will not last and there are still good times to be had. These are 'friends of faithfulness' and a rare commodity they are.

I may not always be available to hang out, to drop by or show up, but I do think of you often, and smile at the things we shared.  Many of you are like me; working, going to college, graduating from college or well into your careers. Some have married or are planning to marry. Some have even started a family, be it married or single parenting. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world - if it is done right.

Some have yet to take on responsibilities. And for you, I pray you will, and stop blaming others for your failures. Your life is not a mishap - if anything it should be happening. Make it happen and never underestimate yourself. 

Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.

I know you for a reason or I know you not at all.


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