Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Kieffer Pear Tree

Kieffer Pear Tree
The Kieffer pear is very hardy and tolerates hot climates. It is a medium to large lumpy speckled yellow-green pear, and since the pulp of the pear is rather gritty, heavy and hard, it is preferable for pear preserves. And the best pear preserves come from my Mother's kitchen. A recipe that has been passed from generation to generation. 

In late August we reserve for pear picking. It is HOT in August; 
Mississippi's hottest month, and that is the time these fruits are ripe for the picking. It is a race between us and nature. The squirrels and the birds love the pears as much as we do. There are tell tail signs; holes eaten in the center of the pear, those we leave on the tree or the on the ground. 

The tree's limbs are heavy with pears and those hang close to the ground; sometimes on the ground. The best way to pick it to start from the top and work your way down. The reason for this is simple: When you pick the pears off the tips working up, the limb is no longed weighed down, thus making it harder to reach the pears. Once we have most of the pears within reach, we get a bamboo cane fishing pole and whack the pears from the tree top. This method is hazardous to your health. Remember, the pears are heavy and hard, and have almost rendered me unconscious a time or two.

Once we have a bushel or two or pears, the hard part comes: Paring and cooking them. We sometimes ask: Is this worth it? The answer is always the same, YES! 

Our traditional recipe for pear preserves is very simple:
Use 1 lb. of sugar for every 2 quarts of peeled, cored, and sliced pears. 
Layer the pears with sugar in a big pot and let them sit overnight, so that they make their own juice.  
Add cinnamon, cloves and pure vanilla.
 Then cook them over medium heat until they boil and then simmer until the pears are tender and the syrup has the desired consistency and dark amber color. 
Stir occasionally. 
Pour the pears into hot, sterilized jars, cover with syrup, and seal.


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