Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

When God closes a door; He opens a window.

Conscience is the window of our spirit, evil is the curtain. 
If there is something in your life that you don’t like, in order to remove it from your experience you must first uproot it from within your soul or your mental attitude. 
On the other hand, if there is something missing from your life, build it into your soul and mentality, and the law will maintain a perfect balance by making it manifest in your world.
Once we accept this great Truth, once we free ourselves of the human weakness of trying to blame circumstances and people for our troubles, then and perhaps for the first time we’re ready to stand up to life with a new-found strength.
The Law of Compensation is one of the most important and basic laws of life and has sometimes been described as “the great law.” The ancient enlightened ones called it the law of karma. The scientifically-minded may call it the law of cause and effect or the law of action and reaction. Ralph Waldo Emerson called it the law of compensation.
When Jesus talked about it, He explained it as the principle of sowing and reaping, giving and receiving, and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Emerson referred to it as the "Law of Compensation." In some degree, the equilibrium of the universe if affected by all thought, desire, and action. At this point, the harmony of the universe has been disturbed, so it seeks to return to balance. Balance of the mind, body and spirit are the ideal, so working on your own truth helps you to get there. Did you hear what I said? Working on 'your own truth' will lead you there.
When it comes to your life, why would you listen to anyone else whose life is as troubled as they are? Many times they are contradicting every quote they force onto others. They are living their lives by the words of another person, rather than being who they are. They deny they are as many sees them to be, but the signs prove otherwise. It reminds me of when Richard Nixon declared, "I am not a crook," But a crook he was. 
As for quotes, here is one of my own:
"When you start believing the lies of others, I stop believing in you." 
Once I lose respect for an individual that is usually it. I do not think respect can be earned back. It is something I just let go of and learn from. From there I move into a new direction with greater possibilities.
When God closes a door; He opens a window.


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