Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Fruitcake Cookies

Off To Grandmother's House I Go!
My Grandmother was never one to bake, but she loved Mrs. Culpepper's Christmas Fruitcake. Before Mrs. Culpepper passed away, she had given my Grandmother her famed Christmas Fruitcake recipe, in the mid 1970's. My Mom and her siblings never cared for fruitcake of any kind, until my Mom discovered a Fruitcake Cookie recipe and decided to make them for a Christmas party she was hosting.

My brother is twelve years my senior and was taught that these Fruitcake Cookies were 'Santa Cookies' and that eggnog was 'Santa's Milk.' The tradition did not stop there and she past it onto me. I do not have children, but were I to ever have children, I most likely would keep this tradition going. If you have yet to learn, I am big on TRADITION!

The funny thing is; I do not like fruitcake nor eggnog, but I keep it around during the Christmas Holiday. Today, I made my Mom's Fruitcake Cookies and will head over to my Grandmother's early this evening, before heading to a Christmas party. I have gained 5 lbs from all the Christmas parties I have attended. People often ask me, "Why are you always dieting?" Well - This is why I am always dieting. It is difficult to attend an event or party that offers a buffet of food and not eat. How can I pass up a cocktail weenie? Or a meatball? And that cheese ball? You all know what I mean. Christmas parties are like a 'never ending pasta bowl at the Olive Garden.' One just takes a long nap between courses. 

Anyway, I am about to head out on this cold evening and visit my Grandmother and my Mom and then head to the Christmas party. While we are in the midst of all these Christmas parties, we need to remember "The Reason for the Season - Jesus Christ." 

Praying for all of you and know that you are loved.
Peace and Joy!

I made and baked 72 Fruitcake Cookies
This is the only plate of cookies I have leftover.
I filled several Christmas themed tins with my Fruitcake Cookies as gifts.
This one is for my Grandmother. 
I should have put a green Christmas bow in my hair.
Six more days till I have my hair cut! Hurry up!


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