Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Happy New Year - 2012!

- in 2012
New Year's Eve 2012
Welcome January 1, 2012! 

It is hard to make plans with different people for one holiday. I tend to bounce from one place to another to see as many people as I can, all while trying to beat the clock. Time waits for no one. It passes at the same speed regardless what is going on and makes no apologies. 

I managed to get home by 5:30 p.m., December 31, 2011, and the first stop on my list was at Perrin's, a friend of my Mom's for the past 20 years. I had 30 minutes to dress and drive from one end of town to the other. Needless to say, I did not make it in time. I had a phone call from my Uncle Frank that went on for 30 minutes. Once, I finally left my home, I drove by my Maw-Maw's to drop off something I had ordered her that had just arrived - she was not home. I then headed over to Perrin's where I was supposed to have dinner, but her large group of friends had devoured every morsel of food. That is what I get for running late. 

I stayed for an hour, so I could spend some time with my Mom. She and I each made three New Year's resolutions and shared them with one another during a quiet moment together. I had thought long and hard on mine, all day. I finally settled on the three I had shared with my Mom - I will do my best to see them through.

I have looked forward to the year 2012 with great anticipation for what lies ahead. I am very happy with my life, the direction my life has taken me and for my loved ones and dear ones I surround myself. I have been so blessed in 2011, it would take me a lifetime to count the ways. I am extremely grateful and humbled by God's everlasting love and presence in my life. He took me from total darkness and brought me into the light. It was there in that light I saw where my life was heading and with whom, and God pulled me from that wreckage. I had an epiphany and knew had I stayed on that course my life would no longer be blessed. That intuition so many of us feel, I believe is God speaking to us. Have you ever not listened to your intuition only to end up regretting that you did not pay attention to it? I see it as being disobedient to God, when one neglects that voice from within. I had prayed without ceasing and that voice, within, spoke to me. I listened and was obedient to God and He has blessed me every day since. I cannot find the words to express my gratitude. I was given my life back and the ability to see clearly. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Here is what I want for 2012, on a personal level...I want to keep loving in spite of adversity and hateful words. I want my family to be happy, healthy and safe. I want to grow in my relationship with God and remain faithful unto Him. I want closure to any toxic issues or people in my life. I want to be able to live my life and treasure each day, without any regrets. I want to surround myself with people who will love me with no agenda other than to just be my friends. I want more balance in my life. I want to excel in my career and my education. I want to try new things, explore new places and meet all sorts of people - listen to how they feel about various aspects of life and love. I want to be able to help people and pray with them. If you are reading this post, I want you to know that I really do care for you. 
Remember that you are not alone - God does love you. And so do I.

My dearest Mom Denise and me
Perrin and me
Michelle and Denise
Perrin and Denise
Starla and me
Starla, Michelle, Elena, Denise and Perrin

These were a few of the photographs we captured, before I headed out for the evening.

And I did finally get some food to eat at my next stop.

Were I to make a fourth New Year's resolution, it would be to stop eating so much! 

Have a blessed, happy, healthy and prosperous 2012!

I had to add this photograph, it made me laugh.
Then I noticed it was a good shot of my necklace.
It is a circle pendant filled with small hearts.
I have worn it every day since receiving it.
It was gifted me by someone most special.

Baby your firework, come on let your colors burst!

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