Jumat, 30 September 2011

My Southern Style Homemade Biscuits

My Southern Style Homemade Biscuits

I love to cook, though I eat out quite often. I have always enjoyed the art of baking. Baking for me is a hobby, from which I get delicious results. I often share my culinary creations with others. Here is just a sample of my baking, like any ordinary morning at 6:00 a.m., preparing my Southern Style Homemade Biscuits. Once baked to a golden perfection, I brush the tops of my biscuits with melted butter and serve with one of the many varieties of BAMA Jam, Jelly or Preserves. BAMA is a Southern tradition, located in Birmingham, Alabama - Hence the name of their product 'BAMA'. I love clover honey and orange blossom honey with my biscuits. Sometimes, a homemade sorghum is in order. Or I will cook Jimmy Dean Sausage and make a sausage biscuit. And if I am really wanting something to tie me over, I will make a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. 

Mississippians like BAMA products, too! 

Enjoy! I did! Even at 6:00 a.m. with bed-head! 

Good Eats!


October Days

October Days

October's canvas and it's scene are colors of red, gold, orange and green. The days are shorter with crisp cool days - bring out the sweaters, hats and boots. The barns along a county road show their wear, and hay stacks and pumpkins are everywhere. There is sugarcane, colorful corn, and shapes of gourds, and so much more. A fall festival is just the thing, with bonfires, hayrides and simple things. A cornfield maze is lots of fun, as is bobbing for apples with everyone. Roasting wienies by the fire, and toasting marshmallows brings a smile. 
Scary ghost stories gives us chills - even the scarecrow lets out a squeal! 
Autumn is my favorite season, and these are just some of the reasons. 

I love my new raccoon sweater hat!


Kamis, 22 September 2011

Happy Birthday, Elena!

Happy Birthday, Elena!

Happy Birthday, Elena! - Hey, that is me!

I had a wonderful birthday and it is coming to a close. I am glad birthdays are only once a year or they would not be as special or be as appreciated. 

I got many beautiful birthday wishes, cards, gifts and money! My Mom gave me a Canon EOSRebel T3 DSLR 12.2MP Camera with two lens, the complete kit and access. I will put it to good use. I could do like my friends said and have a little business on the side - in photography. 

Next year; 2012, my birthday will fall on a Saturday. I will have to plan something spectacular! I cannot wait!

Here are some of my birthday photographs and a couple of videos. My friends and co-workers did an awesome rendition of 'Happy Birthday' - I am glad it was recorded, so I could share it with you...Enjoy!

Our servers were so kind to me, as well. Again, out of respect, I do not post everyone's photo (some do not like their photos on the Internet). 

Many thanks to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday! Love and Blessings - 


This lady gave me life - I love you, Mom!
So thankful my Mom was with me to celebrate my Birthday.

I wanted Polar Fleece sheet-set for Fall
and a Sunshine Yellow Coverlet and Shams
for my bed, to bring warmth and cheer.

I am loving my Canon my Mom gave me for my Birthday!
Thank you, Mom, my dearest of all.

I will put it to good use. I know, I know! 
How many more photos must you endure?
100,000,000,000,000,000 or there about.

Thank you, again, for all the Birthday Wishes! 

Selasa, 20 September 2011

East Meets West - Video Blog

My Grandmother Burnside, Rosalie,
Me and My Mom Denise

Tuesday Afternoon

These are my videos to all of you - 
Just to say, Hello!
September 20, 2011

This is my Mom, the one person I love most in this world.
And she loves me.


Shrimp Gumbo

Shrimp Gumbo - for my church's fundraiser.

Fund-raising can be delicious - for instance what can beat Shrimp Gumbo for a good cause? I usually will do bake sales or make a pot of chili or soup for my church, but this time I felt obligated to do something special, since I have been sharing my Southern Shrimp Boil from my Blogger post.

I do not know why people feel shrimp dishes are difficult - well, maybe they are. Anytime the shrimp require peeling (leave the tails on if you like) prior to cooking, as it does for Shrimp Gumbo, it is a little difficult or time consuming. Then the price of shrimp is expensive, so no one wants to overcook them. 

So, if you want to do something different for a fundraiser think past the spaghetti suppers, the barbecue plates, or the bake sales - make Shrimp Gumbo! 

I had to decide on how I would sell it. Many asked to purchase it by the pan, rather than by the bowl, I decided to do ten large pans and had them sold before the actual sale. Of course, one must keep in mind the cost, because this is a fundraiser and charge accordingly. Since my donation is the time preparing and the cost of the ingredients, I want whatever I make to be profitable to the cause and enjoyed by the customers. 

Oh, keep out a serving or two for yourself...


Senin, 19 September 2011

A Blast From The Past

Adam, Elena, Dipti and Oscar

A blast from the past is what this was - finding this photo on facebook in my cousin Adam sister's photo album. I had almost forgotten about this particular photo. As I recall it was a Saturday afternoon and I met up with my cousin Adam and his friend Oscar. Our friend Dipti worked at a small booth that sold just about anything, the booth was in the open and located in the middle of the mall. Adam had a crush on Dipti, but Dipti is from India and her religion forbade her from dating anyone not of the Hindu faith. So, the only thing these two exchanged was a smile.  

We would always meet up at Las Fuentes Mexican Restaurant for a bite to eat and being located in the mall's food court allowed us to run into our other friends. On every Friday night we all would go to the bar at LasFuentes Mexican Restaurant and do karaoke. And in between each karaoke song we would dance to the most current dance music. From 10:00 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. I must have lost a total of ten pounds every Friday night. I would gain it back on Saturday.

One of the last dances I attended there, before they closed the back bar area, was the Friday night after Michael Jackson passed away. I danced to Thriller - all by myself. I could not believe no one else knew that dance. There had to be 100 people surrounding me and loud applause for my effort. A toast to M.J. and we were on our way.

Adam is now back in Mexico, Dipti is a nurse and Oscar is still working at El Norte Mexican Restaurant. I see Dipti and Oscar frequently, but I only talk to Adam via phone or Skype. I miss those days, but I am happy where I am now. It is okay to look back, as long as you continue along the path you are currently on. The 'here and now' is the present; as in a gift. 

I hope you enjoyed going down memory lane with me...


Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Red Spider Lily - Fall's Arrival

Red Spider Lily
Each September something almost magical happens across the South when red spider lilies, with their long, tropical-looking stamens, pop up and surprise everyone who had forgotten about them.

This amaryllis relative has had other common names over the years, including hurricane lily and schoolhouse lily -- so named because they bloom in hurricane season and, believe it or not, we used to start school in September. Those were the good old days.

It is also commonly called Naked Lady because it has a long, slim stem with no leaves.

Known botanically as Lycoris radiata, you might have thought it was native to the South because of the way it naturalizes with ease and brings color and beauty to the overheated landscape. But this fascinating, easy-to-grow bulb actually originates in Japan.

This year I saw more bulbs for sale than normal, making me think this old-time favorite is making a comeback. If you feel the need to run out and buy some red spider lilies now, you may be disappointed. These bulbs are at garden centers mostly in late winter and early spring.

Plant red spider lily bulbs in the spring in fertile, organic-rich, well-drained beds in full or partial sun. Place the bulbs 3 to 4 inches deep, spacing 6 to 8 inches apart. They can be planted in straight lines for a formal look, but usually look better in bold, informal drifts. Water the blooming spider lily well to extend its floral show as long as possible.

Once the flower is finished, the foliage arises and will make food for the bulb from fall or winter through late spring. The temptation is to mow those that have naturalized or cut them back for a tidy look, but this will harm the next season's bloom.

If you want to move this plant, divide in the spring as the foliage starts to turn yellow. This is the best way to get a really good stand. Even better is to get your own bulbs this winter.

Because the red spider lily doesn't bloom long, it makes a great addition to beds with a groundcover like ivy: the flowers will emerge above the groundcover but will not be missed when they retreat back to the ground. The long stamens give a tropical appearance that allows them to be used in and around bananas and elephant ears. Use them under rice paper plants, or try planting drifts among blue-green hostas.

In addition to the red spider lily, look for the white Alba, the yellow-gold Lycoris aurea (zones 8 to 10) and Lycoris squamigera, the real Naked Lady. This plant features pink blooms during the summer and is cold-hardy.

The red spider lily will be out of sight and out of mind in a few days. But if you liked the red spider lily's bloom this fall, don't forget to buy those bulbs in late winter and plant them. They will surprise you next fall.


Selasa, 13 September 2011

Good Checkup - Good Year - As In Tires

At Good Year 

Good Year - That is where I took my vehicle to be serviced this afternoon. As I type this, I am watching Jacqueline Kennedy: In Her Words on ABC with Diane Sawyer. In one segment it showed Mrs. Kennedy and then Senator Kennedy at a coffee shop with a plate glass window behind them, with a sign on the outside that read Good Year. What year that was, I am not sure, but I can say in 2011, I was at Good Year, on September 13th.

I took a personal day, because I had my annual checkup and thought as long as I was getting checked over, why not get my vehicle serviced? I depend on my car everyday and I need to maintain it for good performance. I really do not like waiting, be it in the waiting room at a doctor's office or the waiting area at the Good Year. 

In the video clip - I had no idea it was being shot, till I realized it was. You can hear my voice, I have almost lost it. These fall allergies come around two weeks each year. Autumn is my favorite season - for many reasons. But with the season I must deal with the allergies. Thank goodness, they do not last long.

Not an extremely exciting day, but a day of renewal and wellness for both myself and my car. As for my checkup, my MD said, "See you in a year!" Awesome!