Jumat, 02 September 2011

Labor Day 2011

Bring Back American Jobs, Mr. President

I am working today. In fact, if I am conscious, I am working. That is largely because it does not seem like 'work' today. My mind is on the long weekend and all that is planned, including the rain headed our way, with a potential for flooding along the Gulf Coast.
More and more people are lucky enough to have a job like mine - work you would do even if you did not have to, even if you did not get paid to do it - but pay is good, too.  This is a bigger idea than it seems, because it changes the posture of what you do. Different motivations ought to lead to different results.
My version goes like this: If I am doing this for fun (and I am) then I might as well doing something remarkable, great, worth doing. Otherwise, why bother?
Each day, I thank my Heavenly Father for my job and the security it brings me. I have always been one to say, any job, if it is honest, is a good job. I believe that more now that unemployment has risen to 9.1% - The Labor Department reported on Friday zero net job creation in August, far worse than expected.
We are living in hard times and the U.S. needs job creation - now. Americans deserve better from our government. I blame our government and big business for  sending jobs across our borders and overseas. See what we are left with? When there is no income there is no money for the necessities, let alone any luxury. 
I am anti-NAFTA ' North American Free Trade Agreement.
I am pro-American industrialization and job security.
Under NAFTA Canada's GDP rate at 3.6% growing faster than the U.S. at 3.3% and Mexico at 2.7%. 
The time is now - Americans for Americans. We were once the largest industrialized nation in the world - now we take a backseat to other countries. 
Americans are now known as lazy people - when did that start? When have we become 'too good' to hold down a job, any job? Even as labors, Americans could put food on their tables instead of standing in the welfare lines.
It is my prayer we earn back what we lost. To hell with socialism or globalization. Americans made America GREAT - no foreign country will ever have our best interest. We are one nation under GOD. It is time we remember who we are!   

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