Senin, 19 September 2011

A Blast From The Past

Adam, Elena, Dipti and Oscar

A blast from the past is what this was - finding this photo on facebook in my cousin Adam sister's photo album. I had almost forgotten about this particular photo. As I recall it was a Saturday afternoon and I met up with my cousin Adam and his friend Oscar. Our friend Dipti worked at a small booth that sold just about anything, the booth was in the open and located in the middle of the mall. Adam had a crush on Dipti, but Dipti is from India and her religion forbade her from dating anyone not of the Hindu faith. So, the only thing these two exchanged was a smile.  

We would always meet up at Las Fuentes Mexican Restaurant for a bite to eat and being located in the mall's food court allowed us to run into our other friends. On every Friday night we all would go to the bar at LasFuentes Mexican Restaurant and do karaoke. And in between each karaoke song we would dance to the most current dance music. From 10:00 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. I must have lost a total of ten pounds every Friday night. I would gain it back on Saturday.

One of the last dances I attended there, before they closed the back bar area, was the Friday night after Michael Jackson passed away. I danced to Thriller - all by myself. I could not believe no one else knew that dance. There had to be 100 people surrounding me and loud applause for my effort. A toast to M.J. and we were on our way.

Adam is now back in Mexico, Dipti is a nurse and Oscar is still working at El Norte Mexican Restaurant. I see Dipti and Oscar frequently, but I only talk to Adam via phone or Skype. I miss those days, but I am happy where I am now. It is okay to look back, as long as you continue along the path you are currently on. The 'here and now' is the present; as in a gift. 

I hope you enjoyed going down memory lane with me...


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