Jumat, 30 September 2011

October Days

October Days

October's canvas and it's scene are colors of red, gold, orange and green. The days are shorter with crisp cool days - bring out the sweaters, hats and boots. The barns along a county road show their wear, and hay stacks and pumpkins are everywhere. There is sugarcane, colorful corn, and shapes of gourds, and so much more. A fall festival is just the thing, with bonfires, hayrides and simple things. A cornfield maze is lots of fun, as is bobbing for apples with everyone. Roasting wienies by the fire, and toasting marshmallows brings a smile. 
Scary ghost stories gives us chills - even the scarecrow lets out a squeal! 
Autumn is my favorite season, and these are just some of the reasons. 

I love my new raccoon sweater hat!


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