Rabu, 30 November 2011

I Am A Christian - Maya Angelou

                                                                           I Am A Christian

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I’m not shouting “I’m clean livin’.”

I’m whispering “I was lost,
Now I ‘m found and forgiven.

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I don’t speak of this with pride.

I’m confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I’m not trying to be strong.

I’m professing that I’m weak
And need His strength to carry on.

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I’m not bragging of success.

I’m admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I’m not claiming to be perfect,

My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I still feel the sting of pain.

I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.

When I say… “I am a Christian”

I’m not holier than thou,

I’m just a simple sinner
Who received God’s good grace, somehow!

- Maya Angelou

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving Day. I hope the day was filled with family, friends, food and fun. Count your many blessings - name them one by one.

My day started early this morning, so I could get my turkey dressed and put the finishing touches on some things I prepped last night. Some things must be prepared the day of the actual event, so that is what I have been doing this morning. I have been up since 6:00 a.m. and did not go to bed till after midnight. I need a nap!

My Mom and Grandmother are here, now, and we are waiting for Santa to arrive at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. This is a tradition in my family. I love traditions, it helps us to remember where and from whom we first came. So, the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade is one of ours. After dinner and when the dishes are washed and my kitchen is cleaned, we will watch Miracle on 34th Street, on NBC. It is almost time for Santa, I see his elves and there is Santa and Mrs. Claus! I imagine there were many children filled with excitment!

I am a little disappointed that my love seat and curtains did not arrive in time for Thanksgiving, but I waited too long to order them. I had everything planned, then had to have a backup plan. I guess it is always good to have a backup plan. Today has been sunny with a high of 70°, so we ate outdoors. I set up tables and chairs borrowed from my church and one extra table to lay out all the food on - as in buffet style. The weather was gorgeous and I thought about the first Thanksgiving in the U.S. - all the photos portrayed the pilgrims and the native Americans enjoying their bounty outdoors. I was glad everything turned out well and I had plenty of space and hardly any cleanup! Now, that makes me happy and thankful. 

You see, last night I did get three deliveries at one time, from UPS. The wooden bench I purchased for my bedroom came and I assembled last night, all by myself. It was so easy! I put it in the living room for extra seating. Then I opened a box that contained my NINJA blender. I washed it and tried it out. It made ice into snow, in seconds! I love that! Then, the box of Mrs. Prindable's Gourmet Apples arrived, all 14, plus two bonus delicious apples - Sweet Sixteen! I gave all my guest an apple to take home with them. So, even if some of my orders were not delivered on time, I at least had some deliveries. To my surprise, everyone enjoyed eating outdoors and visiting one another, till my kitchen was cleaned and time for Miracle on 34th Street to air. Even then, the men were out playing football. The sun is still shining and the day is still warm. 

Today is all about family, friends, loved ones, and spending time together. Time is so precious, we often take it and those we love for granted. We never think over a course of one year how many empty seats there may be around the dinner table. For all those who have lost loved ones, for those who have a family member in the military or in another state or country that cannot come 'home'. Be grateful for all God has blessed your life with, for those whom He has brought in it, and the time He has given you to spend with them. I am very blessed and extremely happy, and grateful to my Lord Jesus for loving me.

These photographs were from earlier this morning and afternoon.
And my blog has been written over the course of many hours.

These are such sweet treats and make great small gifts.

This little NINJA is awesome.

My new wooden bench I purchased for my bedroom. 
I will make a cushion for it later. Yes, I sew!

 Checking my turkey and it needs to cook longer.
I have enough leftover turkey for sandwiches.

My Grandmother Burnside and I. 

Me and my Mom.

Santa Claus from Miracle on 34th Street and me.
I am wearing my coat to make it seem like it is cold here. It is very warm.

I am settled in for the night and super tired.
I am thankful for today and my bed awaiting me.
The End


Selasa, 22 November 2011

Three Generations

Me, Mom and Grandmother Burnside: 11-22-11
I was thinking today, if my oldest niece Chloe was with us, we would be 'Four Generations of Females', like we were a few years ago. I still have the newspaper clipping of the four of us that was printed in The Meridian Star. Chloe was, too, young at the time to understand the importance of having us pose for that article, but one day she will see the significance of that photograph and what we all represent in her life - as a family.

My Grandmother and my Mom are both strong independent women, whom I have learnt a great deal from. People in Meridian still call my Grandmother a 'Hell Cat' and in her daughter the apple does not fall far from the tree. They both have a fire within them that still drives them and the tenacity that sustains them. 

They will be two of my guest for Thanksgiving and the recipes I use have been past down to me by my Mom - from her Mother. I love to cook and have my home ready for my guest - finally! I cannot wait to host my first Thanksgiving for my family, my friends and my gentleman friend. I am not worried about the menu, because it is traditional Thanksgiving fare. I cannot wait to spend the day with everyone and enjoy what the day brings. I have so much planned! I am so excited! 

Today, I met up with my Grandmother and my Mom, even in the storm that caused damage in Meridian, from what they call a "microburst." I have never heard of a microburst till the 6 o'clock news came on this evening. We were in and out of rain, wind and humid temperatures all day! We had lunch at McAllister's and shopping at the mall and a few other places. We made a promise to each other we would not venture out on Thanksgiving Day for all the early Black Friday sales. I think we had our fill of shopping and WOW! - the money we saved! 

I had to shop for my two Angels from the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Have any of you ever selected an Angel from the tree? I have for several years. It is the best feeling to give children what most of us take for granted, like a winter coat, a scarf, gloves and a few games, toys, books, art supplies - you name it. I always get them more than what they list on the 'Paper Angel' and surprise them with a basket of goodies and a stocking with 'stocking stuffers'. 

I have no children of my own, but I remember the Christmas after my father left us, we did not have anything but the clothes on our back. That was the year the Christmas Holiday magic was lost and the doctors called the family in, because my Mom was not expected to live past morning. I was only eight years old, at the time.

I have seen life from both sides now and I will never forget those dark days. Every child should be given something, if not anything else but hope, because once you have lost all hope the reality is all there is to face. I do not know anymore than what is printed on these Paper Angels, but I can imagine these children's lives and the challenges they most likely are facing.

It is almost midnight and I feel so strange being up this late on a Tuesday evening. I am enjoying my holiday and being able to spend more time with my family, my friends and my gentleman friend. Time, please slow down? You are rushing by, too, fast!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble!

Me and my Grandmother Burnside.


Senin, 21 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is almost here,
So live it up and be of good cheer.
Feast on your blessings 
and all sweet things, be grateful
to God for all He brings.

Time with family, friends
and your loved one, too, 
enjoy each moment in all you do.
Embrace these days and have some fun
                                                Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


Minggu, 20 November 2011

Virginia Court - Meridian, Mississippi

Virginia Court - Meridian, Mississippi
Thirty Air-Conditioned units of charm, deep in the heart of the Magnolia State. Telephones, Television, Swimming Pool. Restaurant Adjacent. Located on Tom Bailey Drive, U. S. Highways 11, 80 and 45, Meridian, Mississippi. Mr. & Mrs. Ike J. Davis, Owners & Operators.

This is how the Virginia Court was advertised in travel brochures. 

Cities across the U.S. tear down old establishments for a more modern day business or parking lot. Here in Meridian it has happened more than the norm, perhaps, because the cost of renovating old structures and meeting with the newer city and county codes. My Mother paints a different picture, as her memory still serves her well, as she recalls the way Meridian once looked, long before the Interstate ran through South of Meridian, it was commonly known as Tom Bailey Drive. Meridian has long been a thoroughfare for incoming residents from other states, from the East to the West and back again. Many of the old 'motor courts' and 'service stations' have long been torn down, and made way for new hotels and convenience stores. 

A friend shared with me his finding of the lady diving into the Virginia Court swimming pool. She was sold back in the 90's when Meridian built Bonita Lakes Mall, Meridian Crossroads and Wal*Mart and their roadways. I must say, MS Virginia Court looks as lovely today as she did when she made her debut in Meridian - a true Southern Debutante from 1948.

Photograph courtesy Larry Lytle; Sign From Virginia Court Hotel, Meridian, Mississippi, (1948)

"MS Virginia Court" courtesy Tag Purvis! 2010 West Hollywood, CA USA

The original and she still looks fabulous!

A replica of the Virginia Court Motel Diver (1948) from the Meridian, Mississippi motel.