Senin, 07 November 2011


Ding - Ding - Ding - Ding is the sound everyone wants to hear when at a casino, as long that sound comes from their machine. The flashing lights and the word WINNER puts a smile on every one's face, unless you put more into a slot machine than you recovered. I say, those who break even are winners, too - as long as one knows when to walk away. 

My advise would be to never enter a casino with more than you are willing to lose. Leave all major credit cards at home. There are ATMs that are available to withdraw funds and will charge a substantial fee for that withdrawal.. The temptation is what gets most into trouble. I go in with an ID and a $20 bill. One should carry an ID at all times, regardless where one goes,  but in the case of a casino, if you hit a JACKPOT, you will an ID to claim it. 

Gambling is just that - Gambling. The odds are against you. Most will lose EVERYTHING. Some will only recover the money they lost trying to hit a JACKPOT. Only a few will win the JACKPOT and come out a WINNER. However, you are only a WINNER if you know when to walk away. The temptation and greed to win more is there. "If I put this $5,000 back into that 'progressive slot machine', maybe I will win the $25,000 it will JACKPOT! (?) NO, YOU WILL NOT! Take your winnings and go home! Leave the building immediately. And never think this will happen to you just because it happened one time. The odds will always be against you. 

And as for me, a once a year trip to a casino with only my ID and $20 bill, is all it takes for me to know a casino can become addicting, if you allow yourself to think you can beat the odds. 

I took my JACKPOT and went home! 

Photos from an iPhone 

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