Selasa, 08 November 2011

YES! I VOTED - Did You?

 YES! I VOTED - Did You?

Today was very warm for November, with temperatures of 80° it felt like a spring day. I dressed in what I call my 'Autumn' blouse and a white skirt. I know it is after Labor Day, but if the Pope can dress in white after Labor Day then why can't I? I even wore sandals, a pair I found on sale. I had a photo taken with my new sandals, but since I need a pedicure I will not subject you to that photo. It is not a pretty sight - trust me?

I spent most of today outdoors. As you can see, from my photos, my hair was wind blown - it definitely was not coiffed. The sun was warm and inviting, teasing us, if only for today. The rain and a cold front will be upon us, tomorrow. Everyone was taking advantage of the pleasantry of today's weather. 

The streets and roadways were so busy with people on the way to and from the polls. I hope everyone exercised their right and got out and voted here in the United States. We are so blessed to be a FREE nation. We are one nation under GOD. We need to put GOD first or we will end up last. In Mississippi we had three initiatives to vote Yes or No on. I pray people took time to really think about the way they choose to vote and for whom. It is our responsibility, take it seriously. 

Then I went shopping at J.C. Penney and spent only $15.07 on eight items and saved a total of $275.92! I do this type of shopping and savings all the time. I never pay full price on anything and most of the time I shop off of the 80% off rack. I took a friend of my Mom's with me, because she did not believe I shopped and saved like I do. I made a believer out of her. I can make a believer out of you, too. Call me up and we can go shopping together, then you will see the $avings! 

Check out these $avings!

Also, I went to Woodstock Furniture and selected two leather recliners and two recliner tables for my home. I will take photographs of them once they are delivered in a week. The recliners are on order, but the tables were in stock, so I will have it all delivered at one time. My Grandmother needed newer recliners and since mine are only a year old or thereabout, I offered them to her. Readers, you will have to wait and see them for yourself, because I cannot quiet describe the color, since it is like a puddy, but not really, but then it is kinda, but not really - you can help me come up with a color once you see the photos, next week or so? The only thing I know for sure is it swivels 360 degrees and they glide. 

I am about to go out for dinner, so my day is not quite over yet. 


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