Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Groundhog Day 2012

Happy Groundhog Day 2012

Now, in its 126th year, the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, is still going strong. 

        Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so that means six more weeks of winter. But how can that be? 

Here in Mississippi, we have reached temperatures in the 70's, this Saturday we are expecting a high of 74°. 

As I was out and about, yesterday, the roadways, the fields, the yards and flowerbeds were full of ivory Narcissus, yellow Daffodils, white Spirea, red Japanese Quince and white and purple Japanese Magnolias. 
I will enjoy these early signs of spring, even if my lawn needs mowing and my allergies are at its peak.

On Good Morning Meridian, our local ABC news affiliate, Andrea and Brian asked the 'Question of the Day' -  "We all know about Punxsutawney Phil, but what if Meridian had a groundhog? What would his name be?"

Well, I was trying to think of something clever, living in the city of Meridian, Lauderdale County, it was hard to think up a groundhog name. But being the 'girly girl' I am, I came up with 'Estee Lauder Dale.' And my groundhog name was chosen as the favorite out of sixteen entries!

I do not think a groundhog from Pennsylvania determines a longer winter or an early spring for Mississippi or any other state, for that matter.

But I will say this, groundhogs are cute little creatures.

These are a pair of my new boots, in brown - I have a pair in black, as well. Both pairs were gifted me by my Mom, yesterday - an early Valentine's Day gift. 

Mom's Birthday will be on Tuesday, the 7th of February, and I have a few surprises for her. I love my Mom with all my heart. I cannot go into details, because she usually reads my blog. I cannot believe she will be 29! Ha Ha!

I have not been blogging much, because I have been occupied with good company. There is so much to share, but by the time I get around to it, it is old news and I do not want to bore my readers. Though, I may bore a few, I apologize. Life is better when living it, opposed to writing about it. And life for me has been a joy - a true joy. I hope it is for you, as well.


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