Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Little Miss Sunshine ☼

Little Miss Sunshine ☼
I cannot believe the dreary weather we have on this Monday morning. Today reminds of The Carpenters song - Rainy Days and Mondays, except that rainy days and Mondays never get me down. I look forward to the beginning of a new week and excited to see what it will bring me. I cannot complain about the rain, when God blessed me with a beautiful sunny Sunday. How ungrateful would that be of me? Extremely! I show gratitude in all things. We all should.

The way I decided to deal with the dreariness of the morning was to wear a sun shiny yellow dress, with a hint of silvery thread interwoven throughout it. It makes me happy! 

Speaking of The Carpenters - they are one of my favorite duos. Karen Carpenter had the loveliest voice, and I have not heard of anyone that has even come close to it. She was definitely one of a kind. I listen to their CD often. 

She was one of the "Greats" in the music industry who left, too, soon. I watched the 54th Grammy Awards, last evening, as I have as long as I can remember. In light of Whitney Houston's untimely passing, I think they did a great job in celebrating most all genres of music, decades of, those who have departed leaving behind their legacy and the newcomers making their way onto the scene.

Many have criticized Whitney Houston and countless others, finding fault in their lives and not showing the least amount of compassion for them or their loved ones. I enjoyed her music and will remember her for the artist she was.

Just a reminder to all my male readers, do not forget tomorrow is Valentines Day! 

I best get busy, I have a long day ahead.
Wishing you all happiness throughout this week - 
but above all this, I wish you LVE!

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