Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Crossing Over

If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, 

                    and take up his cross daily, and follow me.        

First and foremost, God's word inspires me.  My tastes have changed through the years. And the seasons of my life have changed. And with the change, so have the sources where I search for inspiration. We all change. All that will change does -  constantly. Yet God's Word will never change and it will always be  there to inspire and convict and transform me. 

  Yesterday, Today and Forever.
My personal Bible - The Word of God
God has used you in my life these past few months. Our paths cross for a reason, it is no coincident. I get e-mails, messages from the social sites I am on, from people who stop by and read my blog. Sometimes, I cannot believe what I have to write about would interest anyone. I set out to write a blog, as if it were a journal, but I rethought that idea, because what happens to me in the present moment is only for me. I am selfish that way. We all need to be selfish from time to time. Besides, it takes me a while to process my thoughts as they are happening. This is why it is easier to write about bygone days. 

God uses is in different ways, to teach us lesson we would otherwise fail to learn. I learn about myself everyday. I have those 'Whoa!' moments, a lot. I learnt I am not as forgiving as I once was. But then, maybe I am forgiving, and I have a hard time in the 'forgetting.' I think I use this to help me to remember not to walk down the same path again. Why would I want to? When God has so many beautiful paths to travel. 

Thinking on a lot and thankful for the Lord removing the clouds of years of mis-communication in a dear relationship and the breakthrough of the hope of sweet times ahead. Hearing a word from the Lord and new opportunities to serve Him.. So thankful for His mercy that His grace affords me, and His kindness that leads me to repentance so that I can be in sweet fellowship with Him. 

I want to hear about the people God is using in your life.

Is it your best friend since kindergarten? Is it your pastors wife? Your husband or wife? Your children or grandchild? A new blogger friend? The stranger you met at Wal*Mart? - The big moments and the little moments and everything in-between that God has used to encourage you and teach you and show his love to you.

This life is about people. Those we impact and those who have impacted us.


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