Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Just Dance

Dance isn't a form, it's a way of life.

    Dance is a delicate balance between perfection and beauty.
Dance for me was a great experience. I started taking dance at the age of three years old. I begun a summer class, just to try it out. The classes ran on the same schedules as the school system, as far as days, and the times were after school at 4:00 p.m. That summer, I was enrolled in ballet, tap and acrobats. 

I had a pink leotard with a matching wrap skirt, the same in black, and both worn with  pink tights. My ballet shoes were always pink, too. But what I wanted most, and learned it was only from experience, that I would one day be given Pointe shoes. Let me say this about Pointe shoes, as beautiful as they are, they kill your toes, even with the Bunheads toe pads. I must say, ballet was my favorite of all dance. It was the one dance that gave me the tools I needed to perform other types of dance. As sweet as ballet may seem, it can be rigorous. One must be in complete control of their body and poise is a must.

I remember putting on my tap shoes for the first time. I tapped my way around that entire afternoon. I was told not to tap on concrete, because it would destroy the taps, which was made from aluminum alloy. They did not sound as good as the older girls, with their 'double taps' and 2 .5" heels. I envied those older girls, and was determined to one day have my own pair - and I did.

As I got older my dance-wear changed along with my shoes and styles of dance. I took jazz, which was my second favorite style of dance. I wanted to experience everything, and pretty much did. I went onto take lyrical, modern, and I took a hip-hop class. It was that hip-hop class that brought on two ganglion cysts on my wrist, from all the weight of landing on my hands, with my body in midair. I ended up having to go into the hospital for out patient surgery to remove those cyst. That put an end to my hip-hop dance classes. 

I went on to teaching dance. I was excited for my girls and remembered how I felt on my first day of dance. I was able to dance along side them, once they got the routine down, which was fun for me. I really enjoyed my time teaching and miss it. I still dance, but not in the same way. My studio is usually at a club or a party, that has dancing. I choreograph dance routines into my workouts, because it is great cardio. Plus, it allows me to keep my dance moves. 

Like athletes leaving a sport after an injury, dancers may have to leave dance for the same reason - injury. 

April of 2010, I suffered a paralysis from my peroneal nerve being damaged, which lead to 'drop foot.' After seeing a specialist at UAB in Birmingham, Alabama, I was on the road to recovery. I was underweight by twenty-two pounds and was told there was not enough fatty tissue or muscle to protect that nerve. I put on ten pounds to the delight of the specialist and my family doctor. I saw a dietitian for almost six months, who taught me what to eat in order to gain weight. Like I needed someone to teach me that? She stated, she thought I was suffering from an eating disorder. To prove her wrong and to help my nerve regenerate, I started eating. And I am back healthy, according to my M.D. However, that injury ended my job teaching dance - but not my love for it. 


Dancing gives young girls confidence. 
Dance gives young girls poise. 
Dance gives young girls dreams. 

"Are we human or are we dancers?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold.
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer.
Are we human or are we dancers?"

The Killers

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