Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

The Fourth of July

Elena on the 4th of July

I remember when most of the backyards turned into the kitchen, and picnic tables were lined up with red, white and blue place settings. Small American flags were part of the centerpieces, as one larger flag flew from a pole attached to the house. Hamburgers, hot dogs, slabs of ribs and sweet corn on the cob were cooked on charcoal grills. Bowls of potato salad and baked beans were plentiful. Cold watermelons, apple pie and homemade vanilla ice cream were served later in the day. And plenty of chilled drinks from sweetened ice tea, fresh squeezed lemonade and ice cold Coca~Cola were on hand.

All of us kids would swim from sunup until sundown. We all smelt of either Coppertone or Banana Boat sunscreen. Anytime one us started a fight, we had to sit out of the pool for thirty minutes. When that someone was me, it seemed like the longest thirty minutes of my lifetime. 

When I was growing up you were allowed to have fireworks in your own backyard. And at my house we always had fireworks on the 4th of July. We each got our own sparklers, and all of our friends came over to celebrate. I still watch the fireworks every year – it just would not feel like Independence Day without them! I am fond of sparklers; and I remember the sting the sparklers left when the sparks hit my skin. I would make circles, figure eights and squiggles in midair - I even wrote out my name E-l-e-n-a * in stars! I wish I had purchased a box of sparklers for this 4th of July, 2011.
The fireworks coming to an end; 
with a stray one or two still blasting.
My friends Chris and Perrin.
Chris serves in the United States Army.
I was able to spend a part of the holiday with my Mom.
But the thing I remember most was my Mom teaching me the significance of Independence Day in the Unite State of America. Being Mexican-American, and having the opportunity to live in The States, I realize that freedom is more precious than gold. Now when I stand in front of a flag, it is not just a piece of cloth with 50 stars and 13 stripes. It is a tribute to the men and women who are the backbone of this great nation. It is a symbol of the sacrifice they gave to create an everlasting legacy for the United States.

It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. We may not be a perfect nation, but we are at least a free nation. God Bless America and a Happy Fourth of July, to all.


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