Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Kiss Me?

The most eloquent silence;
that of two mouths meeting in a kiss.

Some people may say, a kiss is a kiss is a kiss.
Or they may say, just remember this, a kiss is just a kiss.

I would disagree.

There are so many degrees of a kiss.
The first kiss.
The 'Hello' kiss.
The 'Goodbye' kiss.
The 'good morning' kiss.
The 'good night' kiss.
The peck on the cheek - I will be back soon kiss.
The "Oh, my goodness I am falling in love" kiss.
The "You are so cute! I could eat you up" kiss.
I could go on and on....

Have you kissed someone, today?
It is not too late -
The night is still young-
A kiss can lead you on a journey-
or bring you back from one.

A hug is nice, too! 

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