Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Saying Goodbye

Knowing When It Is Time To Say: Goodbye

Saying goodbye does not mean forgetting the person you have loved before. It is the relationship, memories and hope that you should let go. Goodbye does not mean it is the end of the world. But instead it is a new beginning. New challenges that are full of hope. Looking on the other phase of your life.

Remember - Life is wonderful and full of challenges and opportunities. The only thing you should do is know when and where a decision must come up. Do not let the memories stop you from seeking love again. Do not live your life in the shadow of your past. Look beyond to see the horizon of a future that is yours.

How does one say goodbye to someone they once loved and cared about, without the inflict pain? How do we show a person that goodbye does not mean abandoning them? That it only means we have to let go of a relationship. I guess there is really no easy way.

Goodbye seems a concluding remark we have to speak when we leave someone behind. It sounds so final. And yet it is a heart-breaking reality we have to face somehow, someday no matter how dreadful it may be.

Letting go of those we deeply loved and cared about, for whatever reason, is often the only solution to a relationship that has no hope nor promise left. Clinging pointlessly to what has been only subjects you to more pain. Learning to have the courage to let go is a sign of GROWTH. It is an indication that we are mature enough to know what we can do without and that we are ready to make room for - in our next phase of our life.

Some think that it is holding on that make us strong; sometimes it is letting go.

For those who are skeptical about love, love does not come up wrapped, already made. Love works for all those who work at it. It needs a twosome for it to work out. Love is something that makes happy things happier. It is a language just for two, spoken in a world just for two, as time stands still - just for two. To share love with someone is to know the fullest meaning of what happiness can be. Love knows no bound, and we sometimes loose our grasp with reality when we are in love. Unfortunately, love can make you and it can also break you.Once we feel love, we find no way to control its selfish desires, even if it means hurting the one closest person to you. There are no guarantees when it comes to love. Love is like that -we do not control it. We can only deny or accept love when it is there. The only way we can measure love is by looking deep inside our hearts - it is there we will know how much and for how long.

Most of us have the ideal concept of what a perfect relationship is and when we dive towards this relationship, we get frustrated because our expectations may never be met. But true love does not expect anything in return. If we only try to be open-minded and understand that we give love not to gain favor, but it is something we share with someone special because giving it makes us happy.

It is easy to say "I love you" or "I need you" and other flowery words that will linger to the very core of our hearts, the thing is, can we take the responsibility and commitment for our promises? Why do people say, I love you...when in reality they do not really understand what is love or how to love.

There are times in our lives that we must experience the pain; a time when it is hard to forget and it hurts to remember. But in order to get over the pain, one must walk through the pain. It is on the other side we will find ourselves - again. There is not anything wrong in holding on to the memories of the person we once loved. However, yesterday must never keep us from today's reality. 

We may never forget those whom we have loved. Those people that gave us something to feel, to hope for and brings us the brilliance within ourselves. People who made our lives meaningful and special inside and out. A life worth living . But only when we learn to accept the reasons why they have gone can we truly put the past where it belongs. 

You are not the only one to feel disappointed by love. It happens to everyone - all of us. We all deserve someone, and that certain someone will make them self known to us, usually when we least expect it. There is always room for love in your life. Love comes. Love goes. Like a journey...love is like that, full of mystery, full of mischief, that is why when love takes over, miracles can happen especially if true love prevails...

Love Hurts

Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and marks
Any heart not tough or strong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud holds a lot of rain.
Love hurts. Oooh,love hurts

I'm young, I know, but even so
I know a thing or two. I've learned from you.
I've really learned a lot, really learned a lot.
Love is like a flame, it burns you when it's hot.

Love hurts. Oooh, love hurts

Some fools think of happiness,
Blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves, I guess,
But they're not fooling me.

I know it isn't true, I know it isn't true.
Love is just a lie, made to make you blue.

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