Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

American Sign Language and the Gospel

American Sign Language and the Gospel

American Sign Language is something I have been doing for many years. It started when our church was gearing up for Vacation Bible School - actually, it may have sparked during a mission trip, but it was during the same summer. Our pastor's wife was teaching us a song to sign to, but I felt in my heart she was making up signs that looked good, but had no meaning or reference to the word that caught my attention - that word was fountain. She had our hands going in a way that would best describe fireworks. I went online to see the sign for fountain and it was not anything like she was showing us, so that prompted me to look up the rest of the lyrics to the song - most all she was teaching us were wrong!

I went to Book A Million and purchased twelve dictionary type books on American Sign Language and devoted time to teach myself this new art form - I refer to it as an art form, because it is so beautiful to see. As a dancer I decided to sign songs as graceful as I could. I think of it as a dance to music with my hands for those in complete silence. Those able to hear seem to appreciate my efforts as well. I feel blessed that God lead me to take interest in American Sign Language and I give Him the glory.

I have done American Sign Language for my church and several other churches. I have traveled to Civic Centers and Convention Centers, to revivals near and far to perform to audiences and share my ministry. We all have it in us to minister, and use our gifts to glorify God and to praise Him. This is my way.

The two videos below were in August and September of 2010, so they are a year old. I really need to get more recent videos of me signing, because I think I have improved since these were recorded. A year can make a big difference - trust me?

I hope you enjoy these and are blessed by them in some way. And for those who did not know, I am a Christian. 

I'm not ashamed of the gospel. - Romans 1:16

He Reigns - Newboys

Wake up! I have another video for you to view.

Indescribable - Chris Tomlin


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