Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Elena at Bonita Lakes on an Autumn Day

Elena at Bonita Lakes on an Autumn Day

I have enjoyed this season so much. Autumn and all it brings makes me smile. I love all the colors of red, orange, yellow and green - God's creation is such a beautiful thing. I basked in the warmth from the sun at Bonita Lakes. Today's high reached 78°, with plenty of sunshine for all to enjoy. I certainly did.

After seeing these photographs, I called my stylist and made an 11:30 hair appointment for Thursday. Looking at these photos, I was like - Whoa! What a mess! I can blame it on a busy day, since I had several errands I needed to run. I cannot complain, the weather was gorgeous! Oh! Did you notice my 'farmer's tan'? Well, look again, if not! I have been spending time in my yard, enjoying these sunny, yet cooler days, all while beautifying everything, and adding fall decor outdoors. 
Yes, I have a 'farmer's tan'. Ugh!

I hope all of you have been enjoying your autumn days and evenings. I have been admiring all the pumpkins, gourds, corn, sugar cane stalks, scarecrows, mums and bales of hay on display in yards and store fronts. I cannot wait till Saturday night, because it is the night Meridian residents will Trick or Treat. I will definitely dress in my costume and maybe get a few treats, too! 

Happy Birthday Maw-Maw Burnside!
I love you!
October 25, 2011


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