Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

October - Put A Little BOO! - In All You Do.

October Means A Lot of Things -
Horror Movies and Halloween!

I love the weekends and usually have plans made by Wednesday. This evening, Friday, October 21, 2011, I am going on a date to see a scary movie. I love scary movies, too. We are going to see Paranormal Activity 3, the trailer looks really good, so I am looking forward to seeing it. October is the best month for scary movies. The thrill, the chills, the squeals are awesome! I get so excited over fright and fear, I feel as if I am actually in the film. I have hundreds of cable channels and this weekend will have back to back horror films on many networks. 

I have plans to go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow to select my fall outdoor decor, and I have decided on cooking a big pot of homemade chili and cornbread. I like to serve it with fresh sour cream, a three blend cheese, Tabasco Sauce and Frito Lays Scooping Corn Chips and iced tea - After all, it is the house wine of the South. 

We are going to settle in tomorrow evening, have a spicy and hot meal with some Southern comfort. Then an all night fest of horror from classics to the latest in fright. 

As for this evening, Ole Farm Beef House and then off to see Paranormal Activity 3!

Enjoy your weekend and the month of October. Put a little BOO! - In all you do. 


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