Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Happy Halloween

As dusk dims the sky, I am preparing for this evenings Halloween Costume Party. I ordered my costume a few weeks ago and it looks so cool. I do not dress in scary costumes, favoring characters over the blood and gore. I am not an evil person and have never donned costumes that puts the emphasis on that. I look at Halloween more in terms of a 'Fall Festival' or a Costume Party. It is the one time of the year I can dress-up and be anything my imagination allows. Even as an adult, I become a kid this time of the year. I love candy and treats as much as anyone. I even like to throw in a few tricks, too. It is all in fun and should be for everyone.

Be safe and check all treats, before eating!

So, everyone dress-up and take the family out for Tricks or Treats!

This evening, I am paying homage to my Mexican ancestry. I will dress an a member of a Mariachi Band. The musician's traditional attire is called a "traje" which means a suit and consist of a wide-brimmed hat called a "sombrero", a jacket called a "chaleco" or a "bolero", and tight-fitting trousers with shiny buttons on the sides. Of course there is a large bow tie, because it is formal attire. I will replace the tight-fitting trousers with a tight-fitting skirt, with a slight slit on the front side. 

I will not play an instrument, but I will accept TIPS - or treats. 

I hope you all like my costume of choice.

 I wish you all a Happy Halloween! All Hallow's Eve!


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