Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Autumn in Mississippi

Autumn in Mississippi

Autumn in Mississippi can bring a few surprises, like azaleas in October. 

I decided to attend church in an old barn, out in the country. I had a great time singing old Southern Gospel Hymns and some of that old-time religion - a hell-fire and brimstone sermon. 
That kind of preaching wakes up a congregation. 
It also makes one take a look at just what the Lord desires for us. 

I have a lot going on with work, school, and dating - not to mention my obligations to my church, my family, my friends and events and charities I support. Time is the only thing I do not have enough of. 

Life is Good. God is Great. I am Happy.

Today, I carried my Grandfather Burnside's King James Version Bible to church.


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